Be sure to use your full 120 minutes in class on Monday 10/22 to complete the following tasks.
Assignment #1:

Create a
- Design the tombstone on the 11X17 piece of paper. Make it look as realistic as possible. You can cut out the shape of the tombstone to make it seem even more real.
- Include their first and last name on the tombstone
- Include their year of birth and their year of death (ex: 1882-1935)
- Include an epitaph for the person- A two or three sentence description of the person’s life/ why they should be remembered.
- Include an additional engraving (drawing) that helps symbolize that person’s life.
- Be creative and have fun while meeting the criteria above and making your tombstone seem as real as possible!
- The good examples of tombstones will be added to the Siegmund Graveyard.
a) SSR and Reading Log- How I Found the Strong
b) Any other assignments from unit 4 on the blog that you have not finished.
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