Unit 5: The Gilded Age
This unit will revolve around the years 1870-1890 following the Civil War and the majority of the years of Reconstruction. During this time there were huge economic, industrial, and population gains. With these gains came greed, waste, and hardships. During these years the Western Frontier was settled at an alarming rate ending the traditional way of life for the Western Native American tribes. The term "Gilded Age"was created by Mark Twain to describe how American society during this time made an effort to be showy(shiny,gilded), but on the inside American society was not beautiful at all during the industrial times of the late 1800's.
The guiding question for this unit is: Is it all about the money?
- The period of Industrialization during the mid to late 1800's brought huge changes to the country.
- The Gilded Age lead to great wealth for some individuals and hardships for others.
- Hundreds of thousands of immigrants migrated to the United States in search of jobs and wealth.
- Working and living conditions for the industrial worker was not safe.
- Inventors and inventions of this period changed the way people lived and communicated.
- With the progress of this time period came much pain as well.
- Many reforms movements were born out of this time period to try to change living and working conditions for the average American.
SSUSH11 The student will describe the growth of big business and technological innovations after Reconstruction.
a. Explain the impact of the railroads on other industries, such as steel, and on the organization of big business.
b. Describe the impact of the railroads in the development of the West; include the transcontinental railroad, and the use of Chinese labor.
c. Identify John D. Rockefeller and the Standard Oil Company and the rise of trusts and monopolies
d. Describe the inventions of Thomas Edison; include the electric light bulb, motion pictures, and the phonograph, and their impact on American life
SSUSH12 The student will analyze important consequences of American industrial growth.
a. Describe Ellis Island, the change in immigrants’ origins to southern and eastern Europe and the impact of this change on urban America.
b. Identify the American Federation of Labor and Samuel Gompers.
c. Describe the growth of the western population and its impact on Native Americans with reference to Sitting Bull and Wounded Knee.
d. Describe the 1894 Pullman strike as an example of industrial unrest.
SSUSH13 The student will identify major efforts to reform American society and politics in the Progressive Era.
a. Explain Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle and federal oversight of the meatpacking industry.
b. Identify Jane Addams and Hull House and describe the role of women in reform movements.
c. Describe the rise of Jim Crow, Plessy v. Ferguson, and the emergence of the NAACP.
d. Explain Ida Tarbell’s role as a muckraker.
e. Describe the significance of progressive reforms such as the initiative, recall, and referendum; direct election of senators; reform of labor laws; and efforts to improve living conditions for the poor in cities.
Read each assignment carefully for the expectations for completing, turning in, and earning the maximum points possible.
Assignment 1: Preview Reflection Blog Post: Is it all about the money?
Write a blog post that addresses the topic below to get you thinking about this unit.
Base your response to this question on your own experience.
Are people actions driven by money?
Does money lead to happiness?
Are the people that have money any better than those that don't?
How do the wealthy get their money? Was it their work or others work that makes them rich?
Is it the responsibility of those that have money to share with others?
* Write a thorough post that includes all of the elements listed above . Be sure to include an appropriate title for the post. Let Mrs. Siegmund know when you have published your post so that you can get your points for completing the assignment. *20 possible points.
Assignment 2: Unit 4- 4 Part Vocabulary Assignment and Vocabulary QuizComplete a four part definition (1. the definition 2. supporting fact 3. interesting fact 4. visual) for each of the following terms associated with this unit: Sitting Bull, Thomas Edison, John Rockefeller, Transcontinental Railroad, Monopoly, American Federation of Labor, Pullman Strike, Ellis Island, Urbanization, Upton Sinclair's The Jungle, Jane Addams, muckraker, Plessy v. Ferguson
* This should be typed. Put in vocabulary section of your notebook. Must show to Mrs. Siegmund to get points for completing the assignment. You will take a vocabulary quiz after you have turned in your vocabulary assignment.
* 52 possible points for vocabulary assignment and 13 possible points for the quiz.

You will watch this video play list from Ken Burns' The West documentary series to illustrate important concepts, people, and happenings in the American Western Frontier in the late 1800's. It is your job to complete the viewing notes as you view the different segments. After you watch the video and complete your notes, you will have to take a quiz over information presented in the video lesson.
*You can receive up to 20 points for thoroughly completing the viewing notes, and you can earn up to 20 points on the quiz.
Assignment 4: Jeopardy- The Gilded Age Edition
The majority of your understanding of this time period will come from research you do to complete a version of the game Jeopardy. Click here to get the instructions for completing your version of Jeopardy.
You will need to copy the power point from my drop box if your are working at school. To do this complete these steps.
1. Go to siegmundc drop box.
2. Open the Assignments folder
3. Open the U.S. History Folder
4. Click once on the Jeopardy-Gilded Age Edition Skeleton power point
5. On the left hand side select copy this file
6. Copy the power point into your My Documents folder
7. Type in the questions and the answers for the different categories until you have finished the entire game.
8. Be sure to save your work as you go.
If you are working from home and can download, click here to download the Jeopardy- Gilded Age Edition skeleton power point.
The best game will be played by the whole class.
Assignment 5: The Gilded Age- Acrostic Definition Post
Write an acrostic definition for the topic Gilded Age. Come up with a descriptive word for each of the first letters in Gilded Age to form your acrostic definition to describe what the Gilded Age was all about. Make sure that we can tell that the main word is Gilded Age (bold or increase the size of each letter in Gilded Age). Below is an example of an acrostic definition for the word cat.
Be sure to give your post an appropriate title. After you post your Gilded Age acrostic definition notify Mrs. Siegmund so that she can grade your post and award your points. *14 possible points.