
Unit 7 Student of the Unit

Congratulations Alexandria!




Unit Four: Student of the Unit

Congratulations Mianna! Keep up the great work!


Monday 3.1.10 Expectations

Morning folks,
Sorry I can't be there to help you today. Please be sure to use your time in class wisely so that you do not fall behind pacing, and please behave. I am expecting a good report from the substitute.

-Everyone should start unit 6 today. I will have your grades for you tomorrow after unit 5. Any zeros you have from unit 5 should be worked on outside of class time (at home, at lunch, before or after school, at Friday school, etc). To be on pace by the end of today, you should have unit 6 assignments 1 and 2 complete.

If you have any questions, please email me:

Have a great and productive day.
Mrs. Siegmund


Today in Civil Rights History

Great article about the first sit-in that happened 50 years ago today.


Students of the Unit

Congratulations Pratima! Unit 3 Student of the Unit

Congratulations Doug! Unit 7 Student of the Unit