The final unit for this class is going to be done more as a class than by working mostly off the blog.
The guiding question for this unit is: Has the United States moved in a positive or negative direction since the 1940s?
Major Assignments for this Unit:
Since we are working more as a class for this unit, only the project instructions can be found on the blog for this unit. All expectations for the

- Assignment 1: GPS Documentary Designer- A group project where your group will work with concepts and events around WWII and the Cold War while creating a movie play list to share with your peers
- Assignment 2: Telescoping the Times: Readings and Questions- a whole class daily activity that will have you reading overviews of the major events from the 1940s to present and answer reading comprehension questions and discussion questions based on your understanding of the day's reading.
- Assignment 3: Living History Interview Assignment- An individual step by step project that will guide you through the interview process so you can learn about events and happenings first hand from someone who lived through it.
- Assignment 4: Forrest Gump Watch and Find- An individual assignment that will have you compare and contrast the historical references made in the movie Forrest Gump about the 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s with the historical facts.
- Assignment 5: Create Your Own Crossword Vocabulary Assignment- Instructions TBA