
Unit One: The 13 Colonies

We will begin our study of our nation's history starting with the settling of the 13 Colonies.
The guiding question for this unit is: What is our country's foundation made of?
This unit will take approximately five school days to complete. By the time you are finished with this unit you will understand the following ideas:

  • People came to the colonies for different reasons, such as freedom from religious persecution, economic incentives, or being kidnapped and enslaved.

  • The Europeans that settled the 13 colonies dramatically altered the landscape of the territories they settled.

  • The Europeans forever changed the lives and cultures of the Native Americans.

  • The New England, Middle, and Southern colonies had many differences.

Below are your assignments for this unit. Read the directions for the due date, expectations, and method for receiving points for each assignment.

Assignment 1: Should I Stay or Should I Go?

Write a paragraph response to the following questions to get you thinking about this unit. This will be your first blog post

1. What motivates immigrants to come to the United States (today)? Consider what they lose and what they can gain in your argument.

2. Thousands of Europeans chose to move to the British colonies. Some for economic reasons and some for freedoms. If you decided to immigrate somewhere, would you move for economic reasons or for freedom?

* Write your response as a blog post. Leave a comment on this post telling me when you have published your post. *20 possible points.

Assignment 2: 4 Part Vocabulary Assignment and Vocabulary Quiz

Complete a four part definition (1. the definition 2. supporting fact 3. interesting fact 4. visual) for each of the following terms associated with this unit: Jamestown, Indentured Servant, House of Burgesses, Anne Hutchinson, Salem Witch Trials, King Phillip's War, Mercantilism, Cash crop, Triangular trade, Middle Passage, Great Awakening

* This can be hand-written or typed. Put in vocabulary section of your notebook. Must show to Mrs. Siegmund to get points for completing the assignment. You will take a vocabulary quiz after you have turned in your vocabulary assignment. 44 possible points for vocabulary assignment, and 11 possible points for the quiz.

Assignment 3: Jamestown Adventure

In 1606, some 105 adventurers set off from England to try and establish the first permanent English colony in the New World. They settled in what is now the state of Virginia and called their colony first James Fort, and then James Towne, in honor of James I, the King of England. The early years of the colony were nearly a total disaster. Almost half of the settlers died due to poor choices in settlement location, management of resources, and quarrels with the indigenous Powhatan Indians.

Can you do any better than the real colonists? Click here to begin this adventure by following the instructions set for you.

* Type your answers in the chart. Be sure to add your four pieces of advice for part II as well. Place the completed assignment in Mrs. Siegmund's drop box and notify her when you have completed these tasks. * 28 possible points.

Assignment 4: 13 Colonies Compare and Contrast Chart

Complete the 13 Colonies Compare and Contrast Chart . Follow all instructions in the document.

*Save the completed chart in your U.S. History folder and turn it in by placing it in my drop box. Notify Mrs. Siegmund when you have completed these tasks. 35 possible points

Assignment 5: 13 Colonies Map

Get a blank map from Mrs. Siegmund, and use these directions for completing the activity.

Once you have completed your map, turn it in to Mrs. Siegmund to be graded.

*25 possible points

Assignment 6: 13 Colonies Map Test

Study your completed map and get the test from Mrs. Siegmund when you are ready. In order to be successful on the map test you should be able to a) Identify each of the 13 colonies b) Spell each colony's name correctly c) Classify each colony as a New England, Middle, or Southern colony d) Explain the main economic activities of each region.

You must pass the test with a 80% or higher to get a grade. If necessary, you can retake the map test.

Assignment 7: Primary Source Document Reflection

a) Read one of the following accounts of life and beliefs in the early America.

b)After you've finished your reading create a blog post (be sure to give your post an appropriate title) that addresses the following topics in paragraph format.

- What did you learn about life in the colonies from reading this document?

- What surprised you the most about what you read?

- Compare and contrast the differences between American life today and life for Americans during the colonial era.

* After you've published your post, notify Mrs. Siegmund that you are ready to have it graded. 30 possible points.